
Frequently Asked Questions

The Benefits of Using Premier Payroll Solutions Software

Our payroll software provides solutions to many problems businesses face in the restaurant industry. Whether our software will integrate with their POS system or if our time clock software can manage the spread of hours and keep track of servers’ tips. 

Our Payroll Software Has the Most Up to Date Reports

Our payroll software has the most up-to-date reporting functionalities. We have fully customizable reports that keep track of shift changes, credit cards, cash receipts, and much more. Laws are constantly changing, for example, minimum wage, and you may have questions about what new rules and regulations you should be keeping an eye on. Premier Payroll communicates with our clients and lets them know when changes like these occur. 

Learn More About Premier Payroll Solutions

Many clients have similar questions about our payroll processing software and services. Below, we have compiled a list of the most frequent ones. Please keep reading to learn more about our payroll processing software and contact us if you want to book a consultation. 

Common Restaurant Industry Questions

Do you integrate with our POS system?

Our software does not have a direct integration with most POS systems. However, most POS softwares can create a report that can be send to us in either a csv or txt format. Most of our hospitality clients use our time clock software that does integrate directly with our payroll software.

With the increasing use of credit cards and the fees associated with accepting them, the trend has been that most restaurants are passing the fee to the servers.

We do. Communication with our clients has and always will be the most important aspect of what we do here. As laws or compliance changes occur, we always make our clients aware of those changes.

Our clock software is fully customizable for the hospitality industry. We can ensure that all cash and credit cards tips are accounted for as well as track any overtime, shift changes or spread of hours that occur in any given week.

The hospitality industry is unlike any other. There are constant moving parts and changes that occur each week. Our team has over 80 years of collective hospitality experience. The team is comprised of talented individuals who have owned, consulted and worked for hospitality groups.

General Questions

Can you integrate with our accounting software?

Our software can create any file needed for your accounting software such as QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online.

We do integrate with most of the Workers Comp carriers for their PAYGO program.  We work with carriers such as Amtrust, NYSIF , Hartford, Travelers to name a few.

We do offer sexual harassment training via our LMS software. The training is offered in both English and Spanish. We also have 200 other training courses to choose from.

Here at PPS we believe in a team approach when working with our clients.  You will be assigned a team of 3-4 reps to ensure that more than 1 person here is familiar with your account.

Our Time & Attendance software tracks breaks, lunch breaks, PTO and accruals.  We can write custom scripts that can just about do anything you need it to track.


Do you have a portal for us to view client reports?

We provide all of our partners the ability to have access into their clients reports as long as the client authorizes such access.

Hell, no! … Payroll is our business and it warrants all of our time and energy.  We also value all of our partners in both the insurance and financial fields and have given our word that we don’t have interest in entering either one of those industries.

We can build most General Ledger files for accounting software’s such as Quick Books and Restaurant 365.

We can customize and build most files needed by your 401K company.

Here at PPS we believe in a team approach so anyone at our company can answer a question for you.  We cross train all of our employees so everyone can provide the assistance you need.

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